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Taking the High Horse: On Chapter 15

This week we meet one of the least mentioned members of our party, Xuanzang’s horse. I think it’s easy to forget that he’s no ordinary horse even though Guanyin herself says that the journey could not have been made on a lesser steed. Whenever we do see the monk on a horse, you can almost guarantee it will be a white one. White is a symbol of purity and otherworldly elegance, it’s natural that this would be Xuanzang’s color.

This horse, like many mythical horses, comes from divine roots. He used to be a dragon prince, but because he devours the horse of Xuanzang, aka Tripitaka, he has to pay penance by taking on the form of his ride to West.

In this chapter, we get a flavor for the challenges Wukong is about to face now that it’s more than just about him. Where brawn alone used to suffice, he now has to be mindful of his mortal charge. Where trickery or bullying was once enough, he now has to contend with his master’s morality, in this way we witness Wukong’s development. What’s also funny is the way the Monkey King is greeted by his former coworkers. They’re glad he’s changed, but they can’t be too sure. Many offer assistance in disguise more out of fear than love. What we also see is the many forms in which life’s challenges confront our heroes. Sometimes it’s a head-on monster attack, and sometimes the enemy is far more deceptive. There will even be times when a powerful foe opts to deceive nonetheless.

More on all these themes in later episodes, but for now just enjoy this chapter in which Tripitaka gets a nice new ride.

Journey on!